Spot On Solutions (Private) Limited, trading as Spot-On, is a limited liabilities company incorporated under the Registration of Companies Act 07 of 2007. We provide Information Communication Technology (ICT) services around the world. Although the entity has registered its physical entity, we are predominantly function as a virtual entity.
All Got Started
The first ever product developed was the Service Plan Optimization Tool (SPOT) from which the company name – SPOT-ON - evolved to imply solutions with “precision” or “on-the- dot”. SPOT was a tool designed for Small and Medium size manufacturing organizations to adopt in forecasting their production plans.
Our strengths are in solving Operations Research (OR) bound optimization problems and applying Systems Theory masked Computer Engineering methods in delivering comprehensive ICT solution to solve those problems. Spot realizes innovations that make economic sense are pivotal to the Spot-On's prosperity and coexistence with clients and partners. We use scientific methods to evaluate the robustness, usability; and utility of the solutions before offering them to our clients.
How We Serve
We do not distinguish between products and services. It is within our mandate that every product is automatically bundled with a guaranteed service. Thereby, our clients can rest at ease with an assurance that the products they use are always operational and always ready to use. We are committed to serving our clients on the long run.